Friday, August 17, 2007


Well, of course, it's been ages since my last post. So I've been keeping busy this summer, working mostly. And with hymnsings, and Tamarack planning, and young people's, and driving school. Boy, it doesn't sound like a whole lot but when you're actually doing all these things it can get pretty crazy.

So not a whole lot's happened since my last post. Probably why I haven't posted in awhile. I'm sure I said this already but Mike and Theresa got married on March 10, Jesse turned 1 on March 5, Anjali is now just over 6 months old, we went family camping as usual on the first weekend in August, my birthday (July 12), my profession (June 17), Melissa's birthday, Brad's birthday, Theresa's birthday, mother's day, father's day. We're actually thinking of taking a trip to the states for a weekend. Not sure if that's gonna happen yet, but it's definitely in the works. Tamarack is only about 10 days away.... AHH! It's crazy, I can't believe it! But it's definitely going to be a good year. Our three speakers are Rev. Anema, Rev. Greg Bylsma, and Dr. Pipa. Our chaps this year are the DeVissers, Stewarts, Vandyks, Schouwstras and the DOUMAS! lol My parents are chaperoning this year! Things are coming along, at a slow pace, but they're still coming along. Which reminds me, I need to email my co-cabin leader... *Mental note* (well I guess it's not just a mental note now is it?) So I'm going to try and post some more pictures. either on here or on Facebook. Most likely the latter! So anyways, I've gotta get going to another Tamarack planning meeting! I'll try and update the next time much sooner!

Monday, March 19, 2007

New post

So, I haven't really been keeping up with my blog. The problem is... I don't take enough pictures... I should change that. Anyways, this past weekend was the Wellandport conference and it was great, as usual! Even though it took us 3 hours to get there!!! If it wasn't for the snow and then 4 snowplows blocking the entire skyway, it would have taken less then an hour and a half. But oh well, it was worth it in the end! Rev. VanOlst spoke, and unfortunately we only really got to hear his speech the on Saturday morning, called "Are you ready?" It was great! Afterwards, of course was the annual ball hockey tournament which I was so excited for! Our team ended up losing our first two games and winning our last one, but my brother Brad's team won their first two games, and were winning their last game, but then it ended up going to shootouts, then sudden death! They ended up going through all the players on both teams and then had to call the players out again! Even though Brad's team ending up losing in shootouts they still played a great game! Tonight we had coffeehouse at Rev. and Mrs Anjema's house and we had a blast! My sister and her husband and of course little Anjali who I got to hold for a long long time, were there, but we also played this hilarious game! Basically, you were given someone's name and then you had to draw a picture of them, and then underneath, write a verse, or something encouraging or a character trait that you admire about them. Then we showed them around and you had to try and guess who the picture of the person was, and then the person who drew the picture would make a comment about the encouragement that they wrote. Some of the pictures were hilarious!!! They were sooo funny!!! Everyone almost died laughing at a couple of the pictures! It was some great good ol' fashioned fun!

So here's actually a few more pictures of my niece, she'll be five weeks on Tuesday, and has grown quite so much!

Family Picture


Monday, February 19, 2007

New bundle of joy!

So I haven't posted in a while and now's a good time to post since Jackie and Robin just had their baby! She was named Anjali Jalyn, (the an is pronounced like un as in undo, unjalee, ) born on Feb. 13, 2007, at 9:16 pm, weighing 7 lbs and 3 oz! So here's a few pictures of the newest addition to our family!

The new family!

Proud Grandma

Proud Grandpa

Cousins (Jesse and Anjali)

Aunt Sheryl

Monday, January 15, 2007

Just some pictures

So, I haven't posted in awhile. I really should post pictures... hmm..

Ok so this one is of me and my sister Jackie at my brother Doug's wedding July 3, 2004

This one is of me and Joyce at a young people's formal that was held in the summer.

The next two are of our own young people's Christmas banquet held on Dec. 14, 2006

The guys: Dan, Matt, Zi Jin, Ben, Steve, Andrew.

Ben, Dave, Brad, Jon.

The girls: Sarah, Charlene, Amy

Me, Dorothy, Louise

Joyce, Michele

Me and Bethany, Dec. 31, 2006 at the Dikschei's